Copyright © 2016 \- 2018, The Green Party

Berkeley, CA, Needs Progressives To Help Win Elections NOW!

There are only four more weeks until the elections here in Berkeley, and we need local volunteers to help us elect a progressive mayor and city council, as well as pass groundbreaking public finance laws right here in our home town. And, if you're NOT in Berkeley, you can help, too, if you would like!

Bernie's first elected office was Mayor of Burlington, VT, a small town of 40,000 people. If volunteers had not worked hard to elect him and five city council members in local city elections, the Bernie we now know would never have existed. Both Senator Sanders and our favorite, Jill Stein, have encouraged us to support down-ballot Progressive candidates; we need to take our local city politics very seriously -- we have great candidates who cannot win without your help!

Some of us local folks from the Bernie and Jill efforts have volunteered to be point people with all the information you need to get plugged into our local campaigns -- and we're in luck because most of the progressives in Berkeley are canvassing together.

Think about it...
What have YOU done for the Progressive Cause
since the Democratic Primary?

If we in and around Berkeley pull together now - with maybe some support from our extended Progressive community - we can pass public financing of elections in Berkeley with the X1 campaign. Measure X1 really needs your help, and level the playing field for future Berkeley elections.

Help us in Berkeley also elect Progressives for mayor, city council, rent board, BART board, and CA state senate. With your help, we can create the kind of progressive stronghold in Berkeley that will allow the next generation of Bernie Sanders and Jill Stein Progressives to flourish.

If you are local to Berkeley and want to get plugged in, please either email Anna Callahan at AnnaCallahan at gmail dot com, or call her at 617-842-2662.

If you are farther afield, you can help in two ways: First, you can always contribute $$ - you know, the average $27 donation can do wonders! - and, you can, here on help with opposition research, help us publish here informatiomn that's helpful to these locals and otherwise get the word out to your family / friends who may be in Berkeley.

Here are the Progressives we are helping:

X1 - Public financing of elections in Berkeley
Jesse Arreguin - Mayor (endorsed by Bernie Sanders!)
Sandre Swanson - CA State Senate
Lateefah Simon - BART Board
Nanci Armstrong-Temple - City Council District 2
Fred Dodsworth - City Council District 6
Sophie Hahn - City Council District 5
Ben Bartlett - City Council District 3

CALI Rent board slate (endorsed by Bernie Sanders!):

I will be writing up pages on all these people for The Green Party and could use YOUR help in sourcing good materials! You know, I have a day job! And, time is short! Please, just leave helpful comments if you would be so kind, or email me - my email address over here.

On behalf of Anna and Progressives everwhere,
Thank you!

Anna Callahan
Volunteer Rabble Rouser in Berkeley
And me,
Art Richards

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