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News Summaries For 20161230


A sample of what we can expect from Snopes, smears: Amid Massive Backlash, DA Drops DUI Charges Against Man Who Tested Positive for Caffeine

Contributed by: smkngman3


"Do we wish that it could test for more drugs?" Abrams said of their testing system. "Absolutely, because then we would know what was in his system."

So, for 16 months these charges lingered over Schwab's head - based solely on the hunch of a DA.

On Wednesday, Snopes attempted to 'debunk' the story by claiming that the Free Thought Project "(implied) his legal troubles were the result of merely drinking too much coffee."

However, that is not at all what was reported. In fact, the Free Thought Project simply covered the police department's own admission that Schwab was charged with a DUI and the only drug in his system at the time was caffeine. These two facts are indisputable. However, the supposed arbiter of 'fake news' insisted on slandering the Free Thought Project anyway.

US Airstrike on Mosul Hospital May Have Killed Civilians, Pentagon Admits

Contributed by: smkngman3


Adding to concerns about the civilian toll of the US air war against ISIS targets, the Pentagon today admitted that they carried out an airstrike against the parking lot of a Mosul hospital, conceding that they "may have killed civilians" in the attack.

Judge Orders U.S. Government To Release Classified Surveillance Files

Contributed by: smkngman3


In 2013, The New York Times reported on the existence of a previously unknown data-mining program known as Project Hemisphere. The project was developed in secret by telecommunications giant AT&T and the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) as a tool to help with "drug-enforcement task-forces." However, there is concern about mass surveillance of innocent individuals. Hemisphere searches trillions of phone records, identifies the name and location of each and individual on the phone, and then sends the data back to the DOJ.

Now, U.S. Magistrate Judge Maria-Elena James has found that the U.S. government has failed to justify their reasoning for denying Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests related to Project Hemisphere. Judge James order the DOJ to provide her with files for her own private review.

Aleppo, Mosul, and the US Strategy of Permanent War

Contributed by: Warren Peace


...if for instance President Obama, in 2009, if he would have prosecuted Bush and Rumsfeld and Cheney for war crimes and crimes against humanity; if the UK prosecuted Blair for war crimes and so on, just like they did with ... and Taylor, if they would have done this, we wouldn't have ISIS today. If the United States opted for political solution in Iraq, reconciled between all the segment of the Iraqi population -- not opting for military strategy, not creating more militias but investing in infrastructure, electricity, water, jobs for the Iraqi population, we wouldn't have ISIS today. If the United States would have supported different political forces in Iraq and not normalizing and sustaining al-Maliki and his Dawa party who attacked and massacred the civil population in Iraq, we wouldn't have ISIS today, and so on.

Now, all these lessons tell us that the United States is not interested in any political solution of the conflict in Iraq and Syria and Afghanistan and Yemen, etcetera. Rather, as I argued before, again and again, the strategy of the United States is a permanent war. And this is the only way the United States can ensure at least the slowdown of the fall of the US Empire.

School's new policy bans parents from walking children to school

Contributed by: smkngman3


Pick your child up from school and you could be charged with trespassing. That's the threat against parents at Bear Branch Elementary School in Magnolia ISD. This is the school's tactic to keep parents who live close to the school from walking on school grounds.

Bear Branch is losing students over this pick up policy, that's been in place since the beginning of this school year. The principal has decided that no matter how close the student lives to the school, the student must either take the bus, or the parent must wait in a long car pickup line. Try to walk your student off the campus and you could face criminal charges.

Video: One of Debbie's MOST IMPORTANT videos ever! And, among her longest at 58 minutes. This is a MUST WATCH video!

Contributed by: RTIII


Debbie seems a little knackered here, but is again, on-point... LOVE Debbie's outrage with idiots who go along with the propaganda at about 38 minutes in! PRICELESS! :-)

She gets even BETTER at about 40 minutes in when she talks about how we have to get beyond the partisan divide and come together to slay the oligarchy! These are points I've been making right here on TTP for as long as this site has been up! :-) YOU GO, DEBBIE!

In this video, Debbie cites her sources and gives you all the evidence you need to understand that we're creating war....

One Child Dies Every 10 Minutes In Yemen As Saudi-Led, US-Backed War Continues

Contributed by: smkngman3


At least 1,219 children have died as a result of the fighting in Yemen, but a chronic lack of health care will causing an additional 10,000 preventable deaths per year, according to a briefing from the NGO Save the Children International.

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