Copyright © 2016 - 2021, The Green Party

Getting Involved!

The Green Party Needs YOU, your COUNTRY needs you!

Here's a small list of how you can become involved. We recommend you pick anything you can do and do it! What most needs doing? Try reviewing our local, near-term agenda!

Here are some great ideas:

  1. Pick a current agenda item that interests you and contact the project lead; many hands makes light work, so don't be afraid to reach out and offer your assistance. Here's our local, near-term agenda.
  2. We ALWAYS need outrach; think about how YOU can help get the word out to family and friends!
  3. Think about what we're NOT doing that you think we need to do, then, think about how you can make it happen! We need your ideas! Do check with the leadership, of course, because someone may be already working on it behind the scenes, and, there may be someone who can help you with your vision!

  4. Consider writing or otherwise contributing to this site. Here are some ways you can do that:

  5. If you're not sure what you want to do but really want to help, try emailing us at: Editor at